Spirit Of Praise + Women In Praise - No One Can Lyrics

No One Can Lyrics

No one can separate us 
No one can come between us 
You are mine and I'm Yours 
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 

No one can separate us 
No one can come between us 
You are mine and I'm Yours 
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 

You are mine and I'm Yours 
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 

You are mine and I'm Yours 
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 

Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You '
Oh Jesus I want to tell 
That I love You 

No One Can Video

No One Can Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

No One Can: A Song of Worship and Devotion


"No One Can" is a powerful gospel song performed by Spirit Of Praise and Women In Praise, both renowned gospel music groups. The song encapsulates the essence of faith, trust, and devotion to Jesus Christ. With its uplifting melody and heartfelt lyrics, it aims to inspire listeners to deepen their relationship with God and acknowledge His sovereignty in their lives.

Verse 1:

The song begins with the lines, "No one can separate us, No one can come between us, You are mine and I'm Yours, Oh Jesus, I want to tell, That I love You." These verses emphasize the unbreakable bond between the believer and Jesus Christ. It speaks of the intimate relationship we have with Him, highlighting the deep love and devotion we feel towards our Savior. The lyrics express the desire to openly declare our love for Jesus and the joy that comes from being in His presence. It reminds us that nothing and no one can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39).


The chorus of the song reinforces the message of the first verse, stating, "You are mine and I'm Yours, Oh Jesus, I want to tell, That I love You." This repetition further emphasizes the personal and intimate nature of our relationship with Jesus. It serves as a declaration of our commitment and devotion to Him, acknowledging that He is the center of our lives. The chorus encourages believers to openly express their love for Jesus and to make Him the focus of their worship and adoration.


In the bridge of the song, the lyrics repeat the line, "You are mine and I'm Yours, Oh Jesus, I want to tell, That I love You." This repetition reinforces the central message of the song and serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of our love for Jesus. It is a call to surrender ourselves fully to Him, acknowledging His lordship over our lives. The bridge also emphasizes the importance of verbalizing our love for Jesus, expressing it through our words and actions.

Verse 2:

The second verse of the song states, "Oh Jesus, I want to tell, That I love You, Oh Jesus, I want to tell, That I love You." These lines continue to emphasize the desire to openly declare our love for Jesus. It highlights the importance of verbalizing our emotions and expressing our devotion to Him. This verse serves as a reminder that our love for Jesus should not be kept hidden but should be proclaimed to the world. It echoes the words of the psalmist in Psalm 96:3, "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "No One Can" carries a profound meaning for believers. It speaks of the unbreakable bond between the believer and Jesus Christ, emphasizing the depth of love and devotion we have for our Savior. It encourages us to openly express our love for Him and to make Him the center of our worship and adoration. The song inspires believers to surrender themselves fully to Jesus, acknowledging His lordship over their lives. It serves as a reminder that our relationship with Jesus is personal, intimate, and transformative.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for different individuals, but the central theme remains the same – the love and devotion we have for Jesus Christ. It may stem from personal experiences of encountering God's love and grace, the desire to express gratitude for His faithfulness, or the longing to deepen one's relationship with Him. The song serves as a tool of worship, allowing believers to connect with God on a deeper level and express their adoration for Him.

Biblical Analysis:

When critically analyzing the song "No One Can" from a biblical perspective, we find that it aligns with several key teachings and principles found in the Bible. The lyrics emphasize the unbreakable bond between the believer and Jesus Christ, which is firmly rooted in biblical truth. Romans 8:38-39 states, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse affirms the message of the song that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

The song also encourages believers to openly declare their love for Jesus, which finds support in the Bible. Romans 10:9-10 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." This verse emphasizes the importance of verbalizing our faith and love for Jesus, which is echoed in the lyrics of the song.

Furthermore, the song emphasizes the need to make Jesus the center of our lives and to surrender ourselves fully to Him. This aligns with biblical teachings on discipleship and following Jesus wholeheartedly. In Luke 9:23, Jesus says, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." This verse highlights the call to surrender ourselves to Jesus and make Him the focal point of our lives.


"No One Can" is a powerful gospel song that encapsulates the essence of faith, trust, and devotion to Jesus Christ. Its lyrics emphasize the unbreakable bond between the believer and Jesus, the importance of openly declaring our love for Him, and the need to make Him the center of our lives. The song serves as a tool of worship, inspiring believers to deepen their relationship with God and acknowledge His sovereignty. From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with key teachings found in the Bible, emphasizing the unbreakable love of Christ and the call to surrender ourselves fully to Him. Overall, "No One Can" is a heartfelt expression of love and devotion to Jesus, inviting believers to worship Him with all their hearts. No One Can Lyrics -  Spirit Of Praise

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